Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 2011

2011 Scripture
The foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, the Lord knows them that are His.
Let every man who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

My 2011 tour schedule includes these conferences:
RT Booklovers Convention in Los Angeles, CA; Romance Slam Jam in Baltimore, MD; and Faith and the Fiction Retreat in Ponte Verda Beach, FL.
Congratulations to reader Kimberly Knox (Louisville, KY) who pre-ordered her copy of Crowning Glory. She received a 2011 Crowning Glory journal and magnet calendar. If you would like a free journal, valued at $10, forward me a copy of your receipt and receive a Crowning Glory journal. The offer ends January 31, 2011.
On a lighter note OR heavier one, depending on how many slices of pecan pie I had, I'm working with a personal trainer. Courtney is confident he can assist me with losing ten pounds--scratch that...maybe it's twelve pounds by now because of a recent gift of cookies. Unfortunately, the treadmill got the best of me this week. I limped out of the gym and I had to grip both railings to go down the stairs at home. I was MIA at the gym for two days until Courtney called. What was I thinking when I gave him my number? I'm back to wimp boot camp next week.

December pictures

Book club presidents, request a free copy to read and post a review on Amazon.

My goal is to have 100 reviews posted on Amazon in less than 100 days after the release.
If you're on board, email me at patlsimmons@yahoo.com.
Enjoy your January excerpt
Join my Guilty series fan club on Facebook
Book I: Guilty of Love
How do you know if the most important decision in your life is the right one?
Book II: Not Guilty of Love
One man, one woman, one God, and one Big problem.
Book III: Still Guilty
Some people don't learn their lesson the first time. Ask the men in Cheney's life.
Book IV: Cast your vote on which story you would like to read next. patlsimmons@yahoo.com


James 5:16...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful.
If you need inspiration, bow your head and join with this five year-old boy as he prays at the Potter's House on Youtube.
Click to pray.
Michael Knox, the twelve year old son of my book club president who is scheduled to have more tumors removed.
My cousins, Jimmy Sr. and Jr. Dunlap, both father and son are recovering from surgeries. James Sr. is undergoing chemo after having a recent heart bypass surgery; His son, Jimmy, had a 30 pound tumor removed from his stomach and doctors had to remove part of his colon too. Praise God the mass wasn't cancerous.
Christian fiction author Vanessa Miller whose mother passed away two days ago.

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