Saturday, September 13, 2008

September Newsletter

Hi everyone,
Finally, the summer of 2008 is coming to a close.Many of you have kept up with my son's medical progress through each e-newsletter after his horrific vehicle accident over Memorial Day weekend. I'm glad to report we were able to move Jared back into his apartment on campus. The only visible sign of the accident is a leg boot, which doctors hope will come off within the next few weeks.To see a current picture of Jared at my husband's family reunion, click on Sturdivant-Croft reunion

OTHER NEWS...I'm happy to say that I am now represented by Judy Mikalonis with the Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management Agency. This is such a blessing since securing an agent to represent your work is sometimes harder than getting published. LAST CALL...I need pictures of readers for my upcoming 2009 calendar. If your bookclub will pose with copies of Guilty of Love, I would like to showcase your group for a month.I have five spots I'm trying to fill. Please email me your jpeg as soon as possible at
MALCOLM & HALLISON...I have completed the rough draft for Not Guilty of Love, the sequel to Guilty of Love. It is in the hands of my sample reader as well as the editor. Then it's off to Urban Christian for approval. Once all the corrections have been made, I will include excerpts in upcoming newsletter. Thanks for the requests.BE BLESSED!!

Win a date with Talk to Me cover model Fred Williams.Visit for details and deadlines. Last excerpt before the October 28,

Tentative September schedule:**Speaking & signing at McCluer North High School (Reader's Row)**Speaking & signing at Apostolic Church Youth Ministry**Book signing at Barnes & Noble, Arlington Heights, IL/September 27, 2008.**Visit for more information.

Not Just A Bookstore 5892 Delmar BlvdSt. Louis, MO 63112314-361-9955Call Richard or Connie for September events. Visit
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