Saturday, September 1, 2007

September 2007 Newsletters

Guilty (gil'te) adj. 1. Having guilt; deserving blame or punishment; culpable. 2. Having one's guilt proved; legally judged an offender EXONERATE (ex-on-er-ate) vt. 1. To relieve of a duty. 2. To free from a charge or the imputation of guilt; declare or prove blameless; exculpate.

It's official. Guilty of Love is available wherever books are sold, online and in stores. September's newsletter is one day early because of the Labor Day weekend. Consider spending your holiday reading a great book.If you live near a Walden Books, you may want to catch this great sale: Buy 2 African-American fictions, get a third one free! Just in time to stock up on birthday, Christmas, and friendship gifts.Books-a-million at St. Louis Mills has between 25-40 copies, so stop in and shop.**Some of you have already purchased your copy. Thank you!One reader from Baltimore has already posted her comments. Check out my links below.**Please indulge me this one last time about my grandma. There is this fantastic poem a friend of mine, Clemmie, at US Tape & Label shared with me. I'm not a poem person, but every care giver, young and old, should read this.
Okay, you may want to know about my scheduled September book appearances:Check out my very first write up in the St. Louis American Newspaper. I don't know how long this link will be up so print your copy today.Saturday, September 15th at 6:15 AM television interview on KMOV-TV, St. LouisSaturday, September 15th from 4-6 PM at Books-a-million, St. Louis MillsMonday, September 17th at 7 PM at St. Louis County Library, Lewis & Clark Branch. Click on St. Louis Library to see their flyer that has been distributed at all branches.A signing at Ferguson Municipal Library is tentatively scheduled for September 6th ..Please check website.Signings at Borders Books at various locations are under negotiation.Friday, September 28th from 12-2 PM at Books-a-million, Downtown Chicago at Clark and W. Adams.Tell your friends in Chicago to stop in during their lunch break.Other Chicago locations are under negotiations.Check my website "Crabby Old Woman"When an Old Lady died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital near Dundee, Scotland, it was believed that she had nothing left of any value.Later, when the nurses were going through her meager possessions, they found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital. One nurse took her copy to Ireland. The Old Lady's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the North Ireland Association for Mental Health.A slide presentation has also been made based on her simple, but eloquent, poem. And this little old Scottish Lady, with nothing left to give the world, is the author of this "anonymous" poem winging around the world. More on Crabby Old Woman

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